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中国港湾(印尼)有限公司 张华平
点击量: 11428

中国港湾工程有限责任公司(简称“中国港湾”,英文缩写CHEC)成立于1980年,是一家世界知名的国际承包商,核心业务涵盖海事工程、疏浚吹填、公路桥梁、铁路、机场、房地产、港口机械、勘察设计。除了传统业务, 中国港湾在各种业务领域也提供项目融资和投资。中国港湾目前在全球设有70多个分(子)公司和办事处,业务覆盖80多个国家和地区,在建项目合同额超过200亿美元,全球从业人员超过10000人。中国港湾是世界500强企业-中国交通建设股份有限公司(CCCC)的全资子公司,代表中国交建在国际工程市场开展业务。





 China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd. (CHEC) was founded in 1980 which is now a world-renowned international contractor with its core business in Marine Engineering, Dredging and Reclamation, Road and Bridge, Railway, Airport, Real Estate, Complete Plant, Survey and Design. In addition to traditional contract business, CHEC also provides project financing and investment in various business fields. CHEC has over 70 overseas branches and offices with business activities covering more than 80 countries and areas. The company is currently employing over 10,000 domestic and international staff to undertake about USD 20 billion worth of projects. CHEC is fully owned subsidiary company of China Communications Construction Company Ltd. (CCCC), a Fortune 500 company and public listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange. CHEC is one of the major division and platform of international business of CCCC.

        CHEC started operation in Indonesia in 1996. Since then, CHEC successfully executed a number of outstanding projects including the longest sea-crossing bridge Sura-Madu Bridge, and the deepest container terminal JICT in Jakarta. Since commencement of fast truck 10,000MW power plant development program, CHEC provided engineering and construction services of marine works, including jetty, breakwater, water intake, dredging, ect., for majority of the power plants in Jawa Island. The Medan-Kuala Namu Toll Road connecting the Medan City and the new airport is under construction by a team led by CHEC.

        Supported by a young, dynamic and experienced team with a large fleet of floating construction vessels and heavy equipments already mobilized to Indonesia, CHEC is capable to provide all technical solutions to engineering and construction challenges faced by Clients.

       Communication leads to power, collaboration leads to prosperity. CHEC would like to work sincerely with friends from all industries to reach a win-win situation and to contribute to the prosperous development of Indonesia.